Decker United Methodist Church

Nathan Smith

Happy Easter 2024

This time of year is a time of New Beginnings. Fall has ended and life is beginning to spring up everywhere from the green grass under our feet, to beautiful Texas bluebonnets, Live Oak trees blooming new leaves and birds chirping. We are so grateful that we have Hope in Christ! We know that hope springs eternal because of our Creator. We want you to know that we are very thankful for you, our customers, who trust in us and are our brand. We live by the Golden Rule of treating our neighbors and customers like we want to be treated and we’re so Thankful you’re here!

For those of you who don’t know, our office is a Parsonage, right behind Decker United Methodist Church. Nathan’s Father was the Pastor of Decker United Methodist Church and Nathan grew up in the parsonage, so it has a special meaning to Nathan and to us. It’s a Historical building, built in the 1890’s. We have many churches, which we do business with and it all started from here. This is part of Nathan’s heritage and our foundation.

Canitan LLC was established by Canyon Franzetti and Nathan Smith in 2007. They are still  best friends from childhood, and co-owners, having grown up in Manor, Texas, where we office today, just down the street from Rodeo Austin.

Canyon Franzetti

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